Human Nation

Website Design | Work in Progress


View the initial interactive prototype for the Human Nation website here. Human Nation was built with Invision Studio.

In this modern age, social media is no longer used simply for keeping in contact with friends from our high school days or for connecting with colleagues. Social media is a tool that generates real monetary value for brands, entrepreneurs, and those looking to expand their audience to make a profit.

In come the “Social Media Influencers” or, individuals who command an on-screen presence so vast that many companies will pay them to get their products in front of their millions of followers. “Influencer marketing” as its called uses social media users with an engaged and loyal audience to drive authentic conversation and engagement around a brand’s products and message.

However, what about those NOT looking to make a profit? Is there a way to harness the power of social media to raise money for organizations that truly need it?

I’ve designed Human Nation for this reason, as a concept to connect not-for-profit organizations with these powerful social media influencers to help spread the word about the worthy causes they are fighting for.

So now what? There are thousands of small and medium organizations all focussing on cleaning up trash or volunteering with under privileged children. How does Jane Doe, the Instagram influencer with over a million followers, choose the right organization to invest her time in (and the time of her audience)?

Imagine HuNa as a cross between a dating app and an apartment hunting app. Influencers and organizations both create their own respective accounts (each with their own personalized dashboards) with the ability to filter for what they are searching for.